Month: May 2014

Re-cap of this week’s workouts

I’m training for another half marathon in June, the Seattle Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon. It’s cool because I’ll be getting another medal once I finish the Seattle Half, the Pacific Peaks Medal. It should be cool to add to my collection! 🙂 So I’m still not following a particular workout program except the running one, Hal Higdon’s intermediate half marathon schedule. I’m having fun incorporating different Beachbody programs along with running.

Well, after my long run last Sunday, I decided to workout with my husband and did P90X3’s Decelerator Workout. I was a little concerned with my knee after my run on Sunday, but it felt fine when I was working out. I think it was just the new band I got. My knee has felt fine ever since I’ve stopped using it. But Decelerator is a great total body workout. I didn’t do all of the pull-ups  and chin ups since we only have one pull-up bar but still got a great workout. There was some squats, push-ups, lunges and of course other moves.


On Tuesday, I ran five miles. I’m taking it easy on the runs now, unless it specifies in the schedule to run differently since I read about the Jack Daniels training paces. You can read my previous blog post about it here.


On Wednesday, the plan said to do 9 x 400 at 5k pace. I don’t have a track nearby so I did my laps at the nearby soccer fields. I felt like I got a good workout. I did a lap and then walked a little in between laps.


On Thursday, Hal Higdon’s schedule was to do 3 miles plus strength. I did Focus T25’s Beta Rip’t Circuit and was planning to do 3 miles but didn’t get to it since my husband came home late. It’s hard to run during the day since there’s no one to watch the kids. But Beta Rip’t Circuit is a good strength workout, since weights are used.


Today, I decided to do Focus T25’s Dynamic Core workout. It’s a great workout and still tough for me at parts. My core still needs work.


Then this evening I made up the run I missed yesterday.


Tomorrow is a rest day and Sunday is supposed to be a race day, so I’ll be attempting race pace on Sunday.

Did you get your workouts in this week?


I am a Sweat Pink Ambassador! #sweatpink

Sweat-Pink-ambassador-badge1I found out that I’m a sweat pink Ambassador! I love their mission:

“We believe that kicking ass is best done in pretty shoes. We’ve learned that real women sweat, and sweat hard. We know that assertiveness, strength, and ambition are the ultimate feminine qualities. We concede that sometimes it takes hours to get ready, but we’re also no strangers to just rolling out of bed and going. We’re convinced that we run faster in pink shoelaces. We believe in pushing ourselves, and we believe in giving ourselves a break, too. We’re all about the rush of endorphins and the thrill of the challenge. We’re all for looking great and feeling even better. We’re committed to finding our best fit, and making it stick.

We sweat pink.”

My sister is an Ambassador and showed me their website. Their mission is what drew me to apply. The Sweat Pink Ambassador community is a place for enthusiastic, positive, inspirational people to connect and support each other in reaching their goals around health, fitness, life… and more. I’m all about that! I’m excited to connect with like-minded people. 🙂

If you’re interested in becoming a Sweat Pink Ambassador, apply here!

Today’s workout – Focus T25 Alpha Cardio Speed 1.0

It’s recovery week after the half marathon. I forgot to bring the Results and Recovery Formula from Beachbody that surely would’ve helped after the race. My calves were really sore afterwards. I didn’t do anything workout wise until yesterday. I did P90X3’s Dynamix, which focuses on dynamic stretching. There’s some core work and it’s designed to increase range of motion, flexibility, and stabilization to help maximize the results you get from every move. So it was a nice workout for me yesterday!

Today, I decided to do Focus T25’s Alpha Speed 1.0. It’s been a while since I’ve done this one. I think the last time I did it was when it was part of the schedule when I had started the full T25 program last September. I like how there are stretch moves in between moves at some parts. It’s a good workout and still gave me a great sweat!

Below is a video with some of the moves:


Did you workout today? What’s your plan?


Last run before the Portland Rock’n’roll Half Marathon

20140515-204816.jpgI did two miles today. It was a nice short run. It was a lot hotter than when I usually run. It was 81 degrees F out! But it didn’t really bother me, I was just real sweaty at the end. Anyway, this is my last run before the half marathon. I’m getting excited! Can’t wait to go to the Expo on Saturday and see all the running stuff and pick up my packet! It should be fun!

Are you excited for an event coming up?