Category: 21 Day Fix

Last Week’s Half Marathon Training Recap (3/2-3/8) and Weekend Update

neon (9)This week started off great! It was nice to not have the Insanity Max:30 workouts since it’s tapering time. I did try some 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts and liked the strength training. But it seems like I’ve just come up a with a cold and my Sunday run was tough. Hopefully, it goes a way soon. Here’s the My Asics schedule last week:

Here’s what I did last week:

Monday – Rest Day

Tuesday – Before my kiddos Preschool Field trip, I tried 21 Day Fix Extreme’s Upper Fix workout. It was a great upper body workout! It’s been a while since I’ve used weights and it was good. Wednesday – I ended up running an easy 4 miles instead of 3. Then I did Dirty 30 Extreme with the hubby. Another great workout with weights.

Thursday – Ran 5.5 miles while the kiddo was in Preschool.Friday – Rest Day

Saturday – Three miles on the treadmill.Saturday was also a big day for the kiddos, since they were belt testing and earned their next belts. My youngest got his gold belt.

My oldest got his Warrior Juniors blue advanced belt and a patch for being teacher assistant more than twenty times. I’m proud of them and happy they enjoy martial arts.

Sunday – I ran only 5 miles, for the San Jose 408k Race to the Row Virtual/Remote Run I won from a giveaway from Relentless Forward Commotion. The actual race took place on March 1st, but I did not receive the bib, medal and shirt until Friday, the 6th. This was my first 8k virtual race or 8k race I’ve ever ran. An 8k is 4.97 miles but I decided to run 5 miles. It was a tough one for me. I just got a cold and wasn’t into it but got it done. I was hoping to run the 5.5 miles but didn’t feel well while running so just decided on the five miles. Hopefully my cold goes away soon! One more week until the NYC Half!
How’d your week go? Here’s to a great week ahead!

I’m linking up with Tara from Running ‘n’ Reading for the Weekend Update.

Running 'N' Reading

21 Day Fix Dirty 30 Workout

I decided to try a new workout today. I’m not doing any particular workout program right now since I’m training for the Portland Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon that’s coming up soon, and then the Seattle Rock’n’Roll Half marathon in June. I’ve been following a modified version of Hal Higdon’s Intermediate Half marathon training schedule for running but I’ve also been incorporating Beachbody workouts for cross training. My husband did the 21 Day Fix and he liked the program. It got him started on his fitness journey and now he’s tackling P90X3. He recommended I try  the Dirty 30 workout, so I did.

Dirty 30’s description is “4 rounds, 8 exercises, and 30 minutes to get in, get out, and get on with your day.” I thought the exercises were great and gave my whole body a workout! I like using weights now and this one delivers in using weights.

Here’s a pic after the workout with my little guy :).


Did you exercise today or plan to?

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21 Day Fix Results

My husband just finished with the 21 Day Fix and got awesome results!! He lost 9 lbs. and 2 inches off his waist!! I’m so happy for him! Here’s his words about the program, “My only advice for those starting out is to power on through. The first week of the meal plan was rough. Second week was better, and by the third week, I didn’t even notice. Moving forward, this has really taught me how to eat cleaner and portion control. Next week I will be starting P90X3 with the 21 day fix meal plan as a guide for my eating. This program is totally worth it and I’m glad that I did it!”
I’m so proud of him for sticking with the program and getting great results! Who else wants try this program?Image