Month: January 2014

Day 22 – P90X3 Isometrix

Day 22 of P90X3 – This is the first day of the transition week and Isometrix was a tough one. Tony Horton says in the beginning, “it’s the hardest part of yoga.” He is totally right. It was hard! It’s all about balance. You hold each move for 45 seconds.

Day 18 – P90X3 The Challenge

First time using the Chin-up Max assist band for this workout and I liked it! It helps a lot! I used to use a chair or stool but using the Chin-up Max is way better! I like getting the full range of motion when doing pull-ups.

But I also need to work on my form on my push-ups but you get the gist.

Day 11 – P90X3 The Challenge

The Challenge is just all pull-ups and push-ups. You pick a number you want to do for each set of pull-ups and push-ups and your goal is to reach that number each time. This is my least favorite P90X3 workout, but I got it done. I modify my pull-ups with resistance bands. I will be getting the Chin up max assist band soon to help with the pull-ups and can wait to try that out.