Month: September 2014

Jackfruit chips – a great snack. Have you tried them?

While shopping at Trader Joe’s, I noticed a new item, Crispy Crunchy Jackfruit Chips. I have had jackfruit chips before, but had always got them at Asian stores, so it was a pleasant surprise to see them at Trader Joe’s.

IMG_8644I don’t think I have ever tasted a raw jackfruit. I looked up more info on jackfruit and found that the fruit is native to South and Southeast Asia, and is believed to have originated in the southwestern rain forests of India. Thailand and Vietnam are major producers of jackfruit. The fruit is made of soft, easily digestible flesh bulbs.

jackf jackfruit

For the chips, the flesh bulbs are somehow dried to make crispy chips. I love the taste of them! They are sweet and crunchy. A tropical taste, it’s hard to explain. Some describe it as a mix of mango and banana. All I know is that I like it! They’re addicting. My kids like the chips too! I think it’s a great snack!


The bag is filled about half way. I wish there was more in it…lol.

Looking at the label, there’s only two ingredients, which is nice! Jackfruit and rice bran oil. I wasn’t sure what rice bran oil was and found out from wikipedia that it is the oil extracted from the hard outer brown layer of rice after chaff (rice husk) and can be good for your cholesterol. There is a lot of sugar but there’s no added sugar. Half the total fat is saturated fat but at least the serving size is the whole bag. There is no Trans Fat, which is good.IMG_8664.JPG

I think this is a great snack that everyone can enjoy. Jackfruit chips are also available at Asian stores but the Trader Joe’s chips are good too! 🙂

Have you tried jackfruit chips or raw jackfruit? What’d you think?

Last Week’s Workout Recap (9/22-9/28)

This week went pretty well. I decided to jump into Hal Higdon’s 10k Intermediate training plan. My 10K is on October 25th, so I’m on week 4 of the training plan. After my virtual Beat the Blerch 10k, I decided to take a rest from running and did PiYo Core on Monday.IMG_8425.JPG

On Tuesday, I ran 4.5 miles.IMG_8462.JPG

Wednesday’s workout was 9x400s. This was the first time I’ve done intervals on the treadmill. I ran a 400 and then walked about half a lap. After a while, I thought that it was probably too much walking and shortened the walking a little. I guess it wasn’t too bad running on the treadmill.IMG_8486.JPG

On Thursday, I ran Running with Ollie’s Blog Virtual 4 Mile Fun Run and Scavenger Hunt. Here were the items on the Scavenger Hunt:

1. Selfie 2. Ran by some beautiful flowers. 3. Something unique was the Max Train crossing. I got stopped at the crossing today. 4. The squirrel made me smile. He’s a little hard to see. 5. Record of my run.

I thought it was a fun thing to do and celebrate a blogger’s big 4 – 0 birthday. Also, she’s giving away some awesome prizes!


On Friday, I ran two miles on the treadmill.


Saturday was a Rest Day.

Sunday was a 5k race on the training plan. Since I did not sign up for a race, I ran the 5k fast around the neighborhood. I got my fastest 5k time ever! 🙂

I love how Smashrun shows me my stats and lists all my similar runs. This was my fastest 3mi ever, fastest 5k ever, fastest run in 3 months, fastest mile split in 3 months, and fastest km split in 3 months. Smashrun syncs the data from my Garmin.


How did your week go?


Shaun T’s INSANITY MAX:30 coming in December

I’m excited for Shaun T’s next program coming out in December called INSANITY MAX:30. This one looks intense! I did Insanity a while ago and loved it! It was a great way to get back in shape after my first kiddo. One of the reason’s I haven’t got back to Insanity was because of how much longer the workouts are compared to like Focus T25 or P90X3. Many of the workouts were close to an hour long. Now Insanity is back and workouts in Max:30 are only 30 mins. I love that!

Shaun T has developed 150 new cardio and strength moves that will make you push harder and dig deeper than ever before to get the best body of your life in just 60 days. You’ll get killer cardio and tabata strength workouts. There’s no equipment needed and a modifier in every workout so anyone can push to their MAX. It’s not about “getting through” all 30 minutes, it’s about going as hard as possible, for as long as possible, until becoming “MAXED OUT” (i.e. until taking the first rest and/or breaking proper form).


I can’t wait to try this program. It will be coming out in the middle of December.

BE THE FIRST TO FIND OUT when INSANITY MAX:30 is available, and be entered for a chance to win it FREE. Check it out HERE!

Last week’s workout recap (9/15-9/21)

Now that the Oregon Half Marathon is over with, my next actual real race is not until October. I’ll be running the 10k Halloweenathon on October 25th. Time to start another training plan. Here are last week’s workouts.

On Monday, I did an easy mile.

Tuesday’s workout was PiYo Buns. This is a great legs workout. I’m almost done with the program. After PiYo I will have finished four Beachbody programs!

On Wednesday, I ran three miles. IMG_8278.JPG

Thursday was another PiYo day. I did PiYo Sweat. Can you see the sweat?IMG_8307.JPGFriday and Saturday were rest days. I wanted to rest before my virtual Beat the Blerch 10k.

Sunday was a great day for a virtual race. I Beat the Blerch and had a good run. You can read more about my virtual Beat the Blerch 10k HERE. I think I did pretty good after running the Oregon Half Marathon last week.


How did your week go? Hope your week is off to a great start!

ENERGYbits…have you tried these?

I had first heard about ENERGYbits from my sister who had sampled them. She seemed to like them but she said they were too pricey for her. I saw them once and I wasn’t too intrigued about swallowing the recommended thirty to forty bits, which is a serving. They also looked like pills and smelled funny. A couple months later, since I was following ENERGYbits on Twitter, they asked how my training was going and one thing led to another and they offered me a sample to try. I was eager to try them since I kept hearing great things about them on social media. A big thing to note is that they are not pills or a supplement. They are bits of real green food (algae that is harvested and air dried).


According to

 ENERGYbits® have just ONE ingredient – organically grown NON GMO spirulina algae – a super food endorsed by the United Nations and NASA as the most nutritionally dense food in the world. Spirulina has been a favorite of gold medalists for decades. They are made from 100% organicallly grown, NON GMO spirulina algae and loaded with 40 nutrients. The tabs have the highest concentration of protein in the world (64%) all for just one calorie per tab.

Antioxidant Chart_energybits_flyer (Large)

ENERGYbits® Health Benefits

  • Helps improve physical energy
  • Helps improve endurance
  • Helps reduce fatigue
  • Helps speed athletic recovery
  • Helps reduce brain fog
  • Helps build muscle
  • Helps improve mental focus
  • Helps reduce hunger
  • Provides natural nitric oxide
  • Provides a replacement for greens 
  • Provides a replacement for  protein
  • Helps fight free radicals with high concentration of antioxidants
  • Helps balances body functions and is100% alkaline
  • Helps improve skin, hair, nails, bones and eye health
  • Helps improve mood
  • Healthy snack on the run
  • Raw food, great for vegans or those who hate greens
  • Safe nutrition for anyone of any age, from children to seniors

Nutritional highlights of Spirulina:

  • Ten times the amount of bio-available protein as steak
  • Contains 64% protein compared to meat (22%)
  • More beta carotene than carrots
  • 48 times more iron than raw spinach
  • 12 times more iron than beef liver
  • Richest source of antioxidants – necessary for health, and anti-aging
  • Richest source of vitamin A (which helps your eyesight)
  • Richest plant source of GLA (an Essential Fatty Acid similar to Omega 3)

Below is the sample size I received. It’s about 2.5 servings. The picture on the right shows a serving of thirty tabs in the front tin.

         IMG_7873     IMG_7875

So the first time I tried them, I took thirty bits about fifteen minutes before I went for an eleven mile run. They weren’t too bad to swallow. I just took a few at a time and followed them with water. You can chew them but I didn’t want to. I’ve read about people chewing them and having green teeth lol. They do smell fishy but it doesn’t taste like anything when you swallow, so I would recommend swallowing them. I felt good throughout the run and my energy was great. But for some reason I got a side stitch around mile 8. I don’t think it was due to the ENERGYbits. I had been getting them lately. But I still got a great time on my 11 mile run. I felt like my energy was good during the run despite the side stitch but was eager to see how I’d do using the bits on another run.


Then the next time I took the ENERGYbits was last Saturday, for the Oregon Half Marathon. I took thirty bits about twenty minutes before the race started. I felt great especially at the beginning through the middle of the run. It wasn’t until after mile eleven when I started losing steam. I think if I had used more bits throughout the race, I wouldn’t have felt like my legs were tiring. But I felt good and energized for most of the run. It wasn’t like a burst of energy but was just steady. I was running fast and it didn’t even feel like it. It wasn’t until towards the end, when my legs felt heavy that I knew I was running slower. But I PR’d on my half time!! My previous record was 1:53:00 and I got 1:51:10. IMG_8216.JPGMy experience with ENERGYbits has been great overall. I think I’ll be buying a bag. I want to experiment more with running with just bits. I used gels during the race too, but I’m thinking the bits are a lot better, especially since they are all natural. There are no chemicals, fillers or artificial ingredients. The only downside to ENERGYbits is the cost. They are expensive. A bag of 1000 bits costs $115. Ambassadors have codes that you can use for 30% off, so would be $80.50 per bag or $2.44 per serving if you use thirty bits as a serving. The price isn’t too bad if you consider how much some gels are and other types of fuel.

What do you think? Have you tried ENERGYbits or Spirulina algae?


Disclaimer: I did receive a complimentary sample to try but my opinions are my own.

Last Week’s Half Marathon Training recap leading up to the Oregon Half Marathon

I was tapering last week for the Oregon Half Marathon. It was a good week. I did all the scheduled runs on the Asics App training schedule. I just added one day of PiYo.

On Monday, I did PiYo Drench. I was dripping sweat during this workout. It’s a great workout but the longest PiYo workout in the set.


On Tuesday, I ran five miles. It was a build up run where I was supposed to build up to a faster speed. I did and ran all negative splits. It was a great run!


On Wednesday, I was planning to do some PiYo but my kiddo didn’t want me to workout for some reason. I took that as a sign. I was supposed to be resting anyway, according to my half marathon training schedule.


On Thursday, I jogged three miles.


Friday was a rest day, the day before the Oregon Half Marathon. I was nervous. Who isn’t nervous before a race?  I could hardly sleep and had to wake up really early because I was carpooling and the race was located about an hour away.

restdySaturday was race day. It was a great day for a PR! 🙂 You can read about my experience at the Oregon Half Marathon HERE.

Sunday was rest day!

How did your week go?


I’m linking up with Workout Wednesday (WOW) Link Up! 

This one is brought to you by Diatta Harris at Femme Fitale Fit Club and Sheila Simmons at The Frugal Exerciser and Co-hostesses Amanda | Eat Hard Work Hard and Jenn | Comeback Momma

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Charity Miles and Old Glory Coast to Coast Relay

charityI received an email from Charity Miles about the Old Glory Coast to Coast Relay. I have mentioned Charity Miles before in that they are an app that donates money to charity for every mile you log in their app. BENGAY® Brand is joining Team RWB and BAND-AID® Brand to kick off this inaugural relay! The American flag will be carried 3,800 miles from the VA hospital in San Francisco to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington, DC. It starts September 11, and goes until November 11, this Veterans Day.

BENGAY® Brand, Team RWB and Charity Miles are also challenging everyone to be a part of it by running virtually for the 60 days of the race and logging your distance through Charity Miles.

BENGAY® Brand’s parent company, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. will donate $0.29 for each mile logged to Team RWB through the Charity Miles app over the course of the relay, with a minimum donation of $25,000 and a maximum donation of $65,000 to support Veterans! So cool!

If you participate you will get rewarded as well:

  • Win a Team RWB commemorative patch for contributing 1 or more full miles a day to Team RWB for 15 days of the relay;
  • Win a red, white and blue paracord bracelet for contributing 1 or more full miles a day to Team RWB for 30 days of the relay; and
  • Win this special-edition Team RWB T-Shirt for contributing 1 or more full miles a day to Team RWB for 45 days of the relay!charityshirt

I love Charity Miles in that they support many charities and those for Veterans! I love donating by running or walking! If you don’t have the app yet, click here.

In the email it also says:

Your days don’t have to be consecutive. And you don’t have to sign up or register anywhere.

One mile a day may not seem like much, but it’s very meaningful. A walk to lunch, or a fifteen-minute stroll—all of it helps. You can even use our “Indoor Walk” setting as you move throughout your day. However you do it, remember you’re supporting our country’s brave Veterans.

Are you using Charity Miles? I will try to run or walk a mile for Team RWB during the next 60 days. How about you?

Half Marathon Training Recap (9/1-9/7)

Half marathon training is going okay, I guess. I’m in the Tapering and Race Day Phase according to the Asics App schedule that I’m following. I’ve been doing all my training runs and adding PiYo into the mix. I’m just a bit nervous because the Oregon Half marathon is only six days away.

On Monday, I did PiYo Sweat. I think this is one of my favorite PiYo workouts because it always makes me sweat. I know it’s a good workout when I sweat.

IMG_7925.JPGI even made a video that shows some of the moves:

On Tuesday, I ran three miles and then did PiYo Sculpt.


On Wednesday, I ran five miles fast and then did PiYo Hardcore on the Floor.

IMG_7992.JPGPiYo Hardcore on the Floor is a tough one that I need to work on more. It’s an awesome core workout! I made a video of this one too:

On Thursday, I did PiYo Drench. I don’t like how this one’s a long one, but I got through it.


Then on Saturday I ran 3 miles on the dreadmill, I mean treadmill. Lol. Afterwards, I did PiYo Buns. I like this one, it really works your lower body.

IMG_8040.JPGThen today, I ran a total of eight miles. The Asics app I’m following had me doing just five miles at race pace, but I decided to do three more easy miles. The bad thing about this run was that I got two side aches. I guess it was because I ate beforehand and didn’t wait long enough for the food to settle, and also was going too fast. I dunno, but it’s got me worried since my half marathon is just six days away. I hate getting side aches during runs. I hope it doesn’t happen next Saturday during the race.


How did your week go?


I’m linking up with Workout Wednesday (WOW) Link Up! 

This one is brought to you by Diatta Harris at Femme Fitale Fit Club and Sheila Simmons at The Frugal Exerciser and Co-hostesses Amanda | Eat Hard Work Hard and Jenn | Comeback Momma

Femme Fitale Fit Club