Category: Earthathon

Friday Five: Five Things I’m Loving This 4th of July

It’s Friday! I’m linking up once again with Eat Pray Run DCYou Signed Up for What?! and Mar on the Run for their Friday Five Linkup. This week’s theme is the “4th of July” and so here are five things I’m loving this 4th of July:

1. Love seeing fireworks, but we’ll probably just get some sparklers and not watch a big live show. I have to work the next day. Here’s a cute but old pic when we watched fireworks at Rockaway Beach, OR.

2. The Runner’s World run streak ends on the fourth of July. This will be my longest run streak at 41 days. It was a good streak but I’ll be looking forward to my rest days now that I’m marathon training.IMG_5367

3. The 2nd Earthathon Relay has just started and I’m looking forward to contributing my miles. It’s not too late to join. It’s a fun and free virtual relay with ten teams competing the distance of the circumference of the earth. It’s fun, great motivation, and a great way to meet runners all over the world. All you need is a Twitter account. You can learn more at We could use your miles on team RunderfulRunners. 🙂IMG_27354. It’s been sooo hot lately, I’m loving these Yasso mint chocolate chip frozen greek yogurt bars. So good! I got them at Costco.

5. I’m also loving my new hat which is also a heart rate monitor. It’s called the LifeBeam Smart Hat. I splurged and got it with a coupon code since I don’t like wearing the chest strap heart rate monitors. It works great and pairs with my Garmin!

What are you loving right now? Any plans this July 4th weekend?

Hope you have a great weekend and be sure to check out the other blogs!

Friday Five: Free Friday

TITLE (8)Happy Friday! I am linking up once again with Eat Pray Run DCYou Signed Up for What?! and Mar on the Run for their Friday Five Linkup. Every Friday they have a linkup for bloggers to link up a post about five things on their theme or you can write five things about your own topic. This weeks theme is “Free Friday” so we can write about anything. I’ve chosen to write about five things that have been on my mind this week.

1. Have you heard of the Earthathon Relay? It’s not too late to join in on this fun virtual relay around the Earth. My team #RunderfulRunners is currently in third place and we’d love to add more runners to catch up to second place! 🙂

Earthathon was created by @GoRunHappy last year as a way to motivate others to exercise regularly. It’s picked up and for 2015, he set up ten teams to run a relay around the earth. The teams will combine and complete a total of 250,000 miles, which is the approximate distance to the moon. There will be ten teams but they are just a part of the bigger picture of “One Team, One Planet.” Once a team finishes their leg of the relay, they will help the other teams. When all teams have finished, they will have accomplished finishing a 250,000 mile relay. How cool is that?IMG_2652-0

All you need is a Twitter account. Learn more here

Just log your runs/walks/hikes on this form after you sign up: The password is: run. We’re a fun, motivating and supportive group! Would love it if you’d join us! 🙂

2. Today’s the last workout (Friday Fight: Round 2) of the two month long program, Insanity Max:30. I can’t believe it’s the last day. It’s been tough and challenging but I’ve seen great improvement in my times. I like the concept of maxing out (the time when you have to take a break for the first time) and you’re pushing to beat your own time each week. It’s a great way to see how far you’ve gone. I feel more stronger and feel it’s helped with my endurance. I like this insane program and will continue to do workouts from it.max30

3. Saturday will be my first race of the year. I’m excited! I’ll be doing the Mommathon 5k race that’s being put on by my local Mom’s Run This Town group and Uberthons. I blogged about this race previously and it should be a fun one.10478166_687839397998857_8449749821663005143_n

4. We bought Big Hero 6 from Target and this is a pic from the back of the case. It’s so cute! The kiddos and I loved the movie!

5. Some really big news, I recently got a job offer and will be starting work again in April. This will be a big change since I haven’t worked since my eldest son was born, six years ago. I’ll be going back to the tech company I had w0rked for previously and will be working a compressed work week schedule. It will be 12 hour shifts and I’d work three days a week every other week and four days the other weeks. The thing I’m not looking forward to is that it will be on night shift. I felt it was time to go back to work but we’ll see how the night shift goes. I used to work nights so I’m familiar with it. I still plan to do all my scheduled races and pace for Uberthons.nightshift

Have you ever worked a night shift? Any big weekend plans? Be sure to check out the other blogs in the linkup! Hope you have a great weekend!

#Earthathon – a Virtual Relay Around the Earth

earthathonWho wants to join a fun event on Twitter that involves running, walking, jogging or hiking? Join Earthathon, a virtual relay around the earth. It is currently on its inaugural lap around the approximate circumference of the earth, 25,000 miles. As of this post Earthathoners from around the world have traveled 20,294.4 of 25,000 miles, getting close to finishing the first lap.

Earthathon was created by @GoRunHappy as a way to motivate others to exercise regularly. It’s picked up and for 2015, he’s set up ten teams to run a relay around the earth. The teams will combine and complete a total of 250,000 miles, which is the approximate distance to the moon. There will be ten teams but they are just a part of the bigger picture of “One Team, One Planet.” Once a team finishes their leg of the relay, they will help the other teams. When all teams have finished, they will have accomplished finishing a 250,000 mile relay. How cool is that?

Here is the list of the ten teams:earthathon2015teams-toshare

I was honored to be chosen to be a team captain of one of the ten teams :). My team is #RunderfulRunners which consists of my awesome Co-Leaders: @shanks324 and @runninrocker.

Do you want to be a part of Earthathon? It’s really easy to join. All you need is a Twitter account and just tweet your miles and add #earthathon and the hashtag of the team you pick. Then fill out a quick form HERE so that your miles are logged (password is run).

You can pick the team you want to run for HERE.

Do you want be a part of a virtual relay around the earth? Join earthathon today! 🙂

For more info, go to the Official page