Month: December 2014

Wrap Up – A Look Back at 2014

I’m linking up with Tuesdays on the Run – MCM Mama Runs, My No-Guilt Life, and Run the Great Wide Somewhere. This week’s topic is a “Wrap Up – A Look Back at 2014”. 2014 has been a great year for me fitness wise. I feel like I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been. I’m running faster, long distance wise, than ever before. Along with running training plans, I believe Beachbody programs played a big role in getting me to where I am today.2014

In January, I started P90X3 and finished in April. I couldn’t do pull-ups at all and when I finished I could do six of them. I was in tip top shape. p90x3

My first race in 2014 was in March, the Hot Chocolate 5k in Seattle. I didn’t run much beforehand and I think I did well for not training for it. I haven’t ran many 5k’s but I got my best 5k time so far.


Towards the end of doing P90X3, I was also training for the Portland Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon. This is my yearly half marathon race. I’ve been running it since the inaugural one in 2012. I focused more on running after finishing P90X3 and trained using Hal Higdon’s Half Marathon training plan with Beachbody programs snuck in if I couldn’t go for a run due to the kids. I had a great race and I was so happy to PR.20140518-204645-74805263.jpgMy next race was the Seattle Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon. This was a fun one because my sister who lives in New Jersey came and ran it too. It was a good run and I loved the scenic route. There was a nice part where you could really see Mt. Rainier. We ran by Lake Washington and on the Alaskan Viaduct passing the Great Wheel.seattlernrIn July, I decided to do PiYo and it was a nice change for me. The pilates and yoga inspired moves went well with running.piyoMy next race in August, was my first ever trail race, the XTERRA Trail Run Hagg Lake 5k. It was tough and I remember it being hot out. I was happy that I got 2nd place in my division and fourth overall female. It was a nice small race and my time was 26:29.IMG_7322In September, I had my final half marathon race of the year, the Oregon Half Marathon. This was a good course. We ran through farmland as well as through the Gallon House Bridge, the oldest covered bridge in Oregon. I was so happy to PR on my half time again!
IMG_8216My last race was in October, the Halloweenathon 10k. This was my first actual 10k race, so it was an automatic PR. The race took place at a golf course and I managed to get third out of all the females for the 10k. It was as fun one, despite the muddy course.IMG_9395With no races for the rest of the year, I decided to try out Insanity the Asylum in November. This was a tough one month program, but I’m happy to have completed it.







I also started my first ever run streak on Thanksgiving, the #RWRunStreak. It’s been fun and there’s just three days left.


This year has been awesome! I finished three Beachbody programs and ran six actual races, the most races I’ve ever ran in a year. I would say I’m in the best shape ever with my last two races being PR’s, especially my half marathon time. I’m hoping 2015 will be another awesome year. Well, that’s my wrap up of the year.

How did your year go?

Last Week’s Workouts Recap (12/22-12/28)

This past week started off great! It was Christmas vacation time and we travelled up to my parent’s place to spend the Holidays. It was nice because I got to workout and run with my sister from New Jersey who also came for the Holidays. I continued with the Runner’s World Run Streak but felt sick the last couple of days. Here’s how my week went:

Monday – Ran a mile with my sis for day 26 of the #RWRunStreak and then we all tried Insanity Max:30 Cardio for the first time. That was fun! I maxed out at 16:27.








Tuesday – I had a nice three mile run with my sis. It’s nice to have someone run with you. Not just for the awesome company but because they can take your pic while running. 🙂
Wednesday – Had a great Christmas Eve run, and ran five miles!


Thursday – I continued the streak and ran a mile on Christmas with my sis.


Friday – I just ran a mile to continue the streak./home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/77e/68168024/files/2014/12/img_1633.jpg

Saturday – I woke up with a headache and ran a mile again to continue the streak./home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/77e/68168024/files/2014/12/img_1652.jpg

Sunday, I felt a bit worse but wanted to try to run five miles. I was breathing heavily after the first mile and decided that was not going to happen so I decided to do three miles. I’m hoping whatever I have is gone soon. I’m coughing and still have a little headache. Something is going around because my husband and son had fevers as well as one of my sister’s kids. My temp was a little elevated but luckily not that hot. Hopefully everyone feels better tomorrow. I’m almost done with the run streak. Day 32 of 36 day done!

How’d your week go? Hope you have a great week ahead and a happy 2015!!

Friday Five: Favorite Christmas Quotes

Hope everyone had a very merry Christmas!! Mine was great! It’s so nice to spend time with family and friends. I am linking up with Eat Pray Run DCYou Signed Up for What?! and Mar on the Run for the Friday Five Linkup. Every Friday they have a linkup for bloggers to Link up a post about five things or write on their theme. This week there wasn’t a specific topic so I decided to do a post on Christmas quotes. Here are five of my favorite Christmas quotes:

1. “I just like to smile. Smiling is my Favorite.” ~ Buddy the Elf. I love the movie Elf and I think smiling is a powerful thing. Who doesn’t like to smile and be happy. 🙂/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/77e/68168024/files/2014/12/img_1615.jpg

2. “Maybe Christmas,” he thought, “doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more.” ~The Grinch. This quote is from “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and shines on how Christmas is not about the gifts we buy or receive but is more than that, being together with others.


3. “Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas” ~Peg Bracken. I like this quote because it’s so true. Time and love are key components of Christmas.

4. “The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. ~Burton Hillis. This is another quote that hits what Christmas is all about./home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/77e/68168024/files/2014/12/img_1612.jpg

5. “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” ~Buddy the Elf. This is another one from the movie Elf. Elf is such a funny movie and singing is a good way to spread Christmas cheer. 🙂 I like hearing Christmas songs./home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/77e/68168024/files/2014/12/img_1616.jpgDo you have a favorite Christmas quote? What’s your favorite?


Be sure to check out the other great blogs!

2014 – Year in Pictures – Races

I’m linking up with Tuesdays on the Run – MCM Mama Runs, My No-Guilt Life, and Run the Great Wide Somewhere. This week’s topic is “Your Year in Pictures”. I’ve decided to show pics from this year’s actual races, not virtual. This year marks the most races I’ve ran in a year. It’s been a great year of running for me. Here they are:

March 2. I ran the Hot Chocolate 5k in Seattle. That was a fun one that I ran with my sister-in-law. I loved the dipping chocolate post race! That was my first 5k in a long while with a time of 26:13.hotchocolate

May 17. The Portland Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon. This was my third consecutive time doing this race. I love the crowd support! I PR’d in this race! 🙂

20140518-204641-74801716.jpgJune 21. The Seattle Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon was another fun one! I ran this one with my sister. Loved the scenic route! 20140622-200036-72036579.jpg

August 9. XTERRA Hagg Lake Trail Run 5k. This was my first ever trail race. I think trail running is hard but it was a great first experience. It was a small race and I managed to get fourth overall for the females.

IMG_7322September 13. The Oregon Half Marathon. This was a great course. I PR’d on my half time! 🙂IMG_8200October 25. The Halloweenathon 10k. This was my first Official 10k race which took place at a golf course. Despite the muddy course, it was fun. I was happy to find out that I got third out of all the females that ran the 10k!IMG_9437

Well, that was my year of races. This year, I enjoyed running a lot more. I’m happy I PR’d in the half marathon twice this year. I’m hoping to continue to PR in 2015.

How did your year in running go?

Last Week’s Workouts Recap (12/15-12/21)

This was a good week! I finished Insanity the Asylum, Volume 1. The 29 days of Asylum were tough but I’m proud to say that I finished the program. I only did 29 out of the 30 because I bypassed the Fit Test. I should have done the Fit Test in the beginning to see the improvement over the course of the program, but I jumped right into the workouts from the start. I feel stronger and had so many great sweat sessions. My back feels stronger and I can actually see some muscle on my back. I did not follow the nutrition plan so my results could have been better. I am also continuing with the Runners World Run Streak.

Here’s what my schedule looked like:

Monday – I ran 5.41 miles for day 19 of the #RWRunStreak and then did day 28 of Insanity the Asylum – Relief.



Tuesday – Ran a mile for day 20 of the ‪#‎RWRunStreak‬ and then did the last workout on the Insanity the Asylum schedule. Woohoo!! I finished the program! It was tough and I’m glad to say that I completed it!


Wednesday – I ran one mile on the treadmill. I also couldn’t wait and decided to try Insanity Max: 30. I did Tabata Power. Oh my! It’s tough, but a great workout. I maxed out at 9:46, which is when I had to take a break. There is a modifier the entire workout so don’t be afraid to try it. As Shaun T says, “Your power comes from within.” Let me know if you’re interested in doing this program with me.








Thursday – I had a nice five mile run./home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/77e/68168024/files/2014/12/img_1273.jpgFriday – I got my mile in for day 23 of the #RWRunStreak./home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/77e/68168024/files/2014/12/img_1292.jpg

Saturday – I didn’t feel like doing anything but kept the #RWRunStreak alive. Ran a mile on the treadmill again for day 24./home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/77e/68168024/files/2014/12/img_1317.jpg

Sunday – I ran two miles. /home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/77e/68168024/files/2014/12/img_1341.jpg

How’d your week go? I’m excited for Christmas. Happy Holidays!!

#Earthathon – a Virtual Relay Around the Earth

earthathonWho wants to join a fun event on Twitter that involves running, walking, jogging or hiking? Join Earthathon, a virtual relay around the earth. It is currently on its inaugural lap around the approximate circumference of the earth, 25,000 miles. As of this post Earthathoners from around the world have traveled 20,294.4 of 25,000 miles, getting close to finishing the first lap.

Earthathon was created by @GoRunHappy as a way to motivate others to exercise regularly. It’s picked up and for 2015, he’s set up ten teams to run a relay around the earth. The teams will combine and complete a total of 250,000 miles, which is the approximate distance to the moon. There will be ten teams but they are just a part of the bigger picture of “One Team, One Planet.” Once a team finishes their leg of the relay, they will help the other teams. When all teams have finished, they will have accomplished finishing a 250,000 mile relay. How cool is that?

Here is the list of the ten teams:earthathon2015teams-toshare

I was honored to be chosen to be a team captain of one of the ten teams :). My team is #RunderfulRunners which consists of my awesome Co-Leaders: @shanks324 and @runninrocker.

Do you want to be a part of Earthathon? It’s really easy to join. All you need is a Twitter account and just tweet your miles and add #earthathon and the hashtag of the team you pick. Then fill out a quick form HERE so that your miles are logged (password is run).

You can pick the team you want to run for HERE.

Do you want be a part of a virtual relay around the earth? Join earthathon today! 🙂

For more info, go to the Official page

Friday Five: Holiday Traditions

I am linking up with Eat Pray Run DCYou Signed Up for What?! and Mar on the Run for the Friday Five Linkup. Every Friday they have a linkup for bloggers to Link up a post about 5 things or write on their theme. This week’s Friday Five theme is Holiday traditions. Here are five traditions we follow in our household.Friday Five-

1. Visit Santa. Each year we visit Santa at least once. There are times when the boys want to see him and other times when they don’t. I manage to get a picture each year with Santa whether at the mall or elsewhere. Here are pics of the boys with Santa in Manitou Springs.



2. Make a gingerbread house. This is also one of my favorite winter activities. The kids love decorating their gingerbread house. Here is this year’s SpongeBob House.IMG_0739
3. Elf on the Shelf. We started this tradition three years ago. My eldest son named the Elf, Perry. I think it was because he liked Perry in the show Phineas and Ferb. Here are a few locations he’s been spotted at this year:

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4. Bake cookies on Christmas Eve for Santa. We always have cookies ready for Santa. Santa loves cookies :P.
5. Gift exchange for all the kids in our extended family. Lastly, we do a gift exchange for all the kiddos. Names are drawn and each cousin gets to give one gift to one of their cousins. It makes things easy to focus on one kiddo and a bit easier on the

What Holiday traditions do you have?

Be sure to check out the other great blogs!

Last Week’s Workout Recap (12/8-12/14)

It was another pretty good week! I’m still doing the Runner’s World Run Streak and I’m also continuing with Insanity the Asylum. I’m almost finished with it…woohoo :). It’s a tough program but I can feel myself getting stronger. After Asylum, I’ll be starting Insanity Max: 30 and training for a half marathon. We’ll see how that goes.

Monday started off with a three mile run, day 12 of the running streak. Afterwards I did Insanity the Asylum Back to Core with my hubby.







On Tuesday, I had a good five mile run. After my run I noticed an email alert that my credit card got charged from NY Road Runners….I realized I got into the NYC half!! I was surprised and happy!! I’m so excited because my sister got in too!! 🙂 It should be a fun one.


On Wednesday, I ran a mile for day 14 of the #RWRunStreak and then did day 23 of Insanity the Asylum – Speed & Agility.







On Thursday, I started off with Insanity the Asylum Strength and then ran 2 miles after dropping my youngest to Preschool.








Friday – I ran a mile on the treadmill and then did Game Day + Overtime. I hate how that one is so long.


Saturday – I ran a mile on the treadmill again and then did Asylum Vertical Plyo. This one’s so tough, but I do what I can.


Sunday – I ran two miles. I’m on day 18 of the run streak. I also am on day 27 of Insanity the Asylum and did Back to Core. I only have two more workouts left and I’ll be done with that program!! I’m excited to try Insanity Max: 30.


How’d your week go? Hope you have a fun and productive week!