Month: December 2013

Manitou Springs Incline Hike

I was in Colorado Springs for the holidays and the day after Christmas I decided to challenge myself and hike the Manitou Springs Incline with my Sister-in-law and Brother-in-law. I had never heard of it until we got there and my Brother-in-law mentioned it while driving and showing us around.

Manitou Springs is right by Colorado Springs and the Incline is a popular hike and fitness challenge. It’s an old railway and the hike up is the remains of the tracks. It’s about a one mile hike with a 2000 ft elevation gain, so it’s pretty much straight up. I thought it was an amazing hike! I got a great leg workout….all the stairs, or wooden tracks as you’ll see in the pictures below. It’s a hard hike! It’s pretty steep and some of the stairs are kind of high and there’s pipes you have to go over along the way. There’s even a bailout point about 2/3’s the way up where you can go down if you don’t want to continue to the top. I’m happy I made it to the top!! The views were awesome and the day I went seemed to be perfect! It’s worth it, I’d do it again! Awesome workout too!!ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageThe picture below is the bailout point.ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageI see the top.ImageImageSelfie. lolImageChristmas tree at the top.ImageMy Brother-in-law, Jeff at the top.ImageMe at the top.ImageMy Sister-in-law at the top.ImageAll of us. 🙂ImageHeading back down a different way.ImageImageImageImageImageImageIf you look really close in the picture below, you can see people going up the incline.Image

P90X3 Worksheets and Calendar

I just received P90X3 today and am excited to start it! There are worksheets that you can download and there’s also a fit test which you should do before you get started. Here are the links for those:
Fit test worksheets
P90X3 worksheets

There’s also four schedules or four different calendars you can follow tailored to get different results.
CLASSIC is what the test group did – basic schedule to get RESULTS in every way.
LEAN if you want to just Lean out  (really great for ladies who do not want to “bulk” up or “get ripped”.
MASS schedule if you’re looking to put on muscle.
DOUBLES for those who have time for an hour workout or want to get their desired goal twice as fast!
Something for EVERYONE!

Here’s the Classic Calendar:

Here’s the P90x3 Classic PDF Calendar version as well:
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3

Stay Healthy n Fit 4 You


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