Category: Focus T25

Last Week’s Seattle Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon Training Workouts Recap (6/1-6/7)

It’s Wednesday night and I’m just now posting last week’s workouts recap. It’s been a busy week. There’s only three more days until the Seattle Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon. It should be a fun one. I just checked the weather and the high in Seattle will be 72 deg and low of 51 deg. It should be great running weather. I think my training has gone well even if I didn’t follow a specific plan since my last half marathon last month. I’m still doing the Runner’s World Run Streak too. Here’s what I did last week:

Monday – Ran 3 miles.Tuesday – Ran a fast 5 miles.  Wednesday – Two miles on the treadmill for National Running Day.  Thursday – I got some strength training in and did Focus T25’s Gamma Extreme Circuit. Then in the evening went for a run with a friend.  Friday – I continued the running streak and ran a mile with my lil guy.Saturday – Ran a nice and early 5 miles.Sunday – Ran a mile to continue the streak.  That’s my recap from last week. Once I’ve ran the Seattle Rock’n’Roll Half marathon, I’ll start training for my first marathon. Do you know of a good marathon training plan? I’m not sure what plan I’ll follow yet. Well, hope you’re having a great week!

Five Favorite Home Indoor Workouts

TITLE (3)Happy Friday!! I am linking up with Eat Pray Run DCYou Signed Up for What?! and Mar on the Run for the Friday Five Linkup. Every Friday they have a linkup for bloggers to link up a post about five things or write on their own theme. This week’s theme is “Favorite Indoor Workouts”.

I have to say I’ve had a lot of experience working out indoors especially at home. I like the convenience of working out at home. You don’t have to drive anywhere, don’t have to wait to use equipment, or wait for a class. Working out at home is especially convenient for me because I have two kiddos. I can’t just go out for a run since there’s no one to watch them, but I can get in my workout indoors.

Here are my five favorite indoor workouts/programs right now:

1. Insanity Max:30. I’m currently doing this workout program and it’s insane but gives such a great workout. I love how they’ve incorporated Tabata style workouts into the program, which is when you do a move for 20 seconds and then rest/jog in place for 10 seconds. Here’s a video with some moves from Tabata Strength. 

Also, here’s a recent instagram post of my little guy working out with me for a little bit doing Max:30 Sweat Intervals. Love it when he joins in! 🙂


2. PiYo. PiYo is a great program that works great while running. It’s low impact but still high in intensity. It has pilates and yoga inspired moves. I think my favorite workout from PiYo is PiYo Sweat. Here’s a video with some of the moves:

3. Focus T25. Here’s another Shaun T program. I like how these workouts were only 25 minutes long. This is the program that got me more into Beachbody. I had done the original Insanity a while back but I loved how this one was much shorter in length. I love the Speed workouts. These ones are fast paced and always had me dripping sweat at the end. Here’s videos of Speed 2.0 and Speed 3.0.

4. P90X3. This was my first time doing a P90X program. I had heard about P90X but saw how long the workouts were and that put me off. But when I heard there was a 30 minute P90, I thought I’d try it out and I’d say it’s a great program. It was 90 days and I liked the variety of workouts. I could not do pull ups for the life of me or do the crow pose. By the end I was doing real unassisted pull-ups and nailed the crow pose. Here’s a video of some of the moves from P90X3 Accelerator. This ones a great total body workout with lots of leg and plank work.

5. Insanity the Asylum. This is a tough program but I liked how this was only a month long. I liked how it incorporated the Agility ladder. I think my favorite workout from this program was Speed & Agility. Here’s some moves from that workout.

As you can see, I’m showing my love for Beachbody programs. These workouts have really kept me in shape. What are your favorite indoor workouts or programs?

Have a great weekend! Be sure to check out the other great blogs!


Last Week’s Workouts Recap (11/3-11/9)

I had a decent week of workouts. I somewhat followed Hal Higdon’s Novice 2 Marathon Training Plan.

Monday was a scheduled rest day but I decided to do P90X3’s Dynamix which is a great dynamic stretching workout.


Tuesday was a three mile run.


Wednesday was a scheduled five mile run which I pushed until Thursday since that’s when my little guy has preschool. I decided to do Focus T25’s Speed 2.0 workout instead of the three mile run. My little guy joined me. 🙂IMG_9745.JPG

Thursday was the 5 mile run.IMG_9772.JPG

Friday was rest day.

Saturday was another rest day since my Parent’s were in town, so I wasn’t able to get any cross training in.

Sunday was long run day, nine miles.IMG_9859.JPG

I’ve decided to switch things up a bit. Earlier I was thinking I could follow Hal Higdon’s Marathon training plan just for fun to see if I could really run further since the longest distance I’ve ran is a half marathon. But now I’m thinking I should take a little break from running. I think I’m going to attempt Insanity – the Asylum workouts and maybe incorporate a run here and there. I want to increase my fitness level. This 30-day program includes drills to maximize speed, coordination, agility, and power. I’ve done the regular Insanity program, a while back and liked it! Asylum is supposed to be much harder, so wish me luck. If it’s too much, my backup will be to do Insanity again or some sort of hybrid until Shaun T’s newest program Insanity: Max 30 comes out in December.

How’d your week go? Do you like to incorporate other workout progams while running?


I’m linking up with this week’s Workout Wednesday (WOW) Link Up!

Brought to you by hostesses Diatta Harris | Femme Fitale Fit Club and Sheila Simmons | The Frugal Exerciser and co-hostesses: Amanda | Eat Hard Work Hard and Heather | Divas Run For Bling.

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Last Week’s Workouts Recap (10/27-11/2)

What to do? Currently, my next race that I’ve registered for is not until May 2015. I just don’t know what to do unless I follow a plan. I want to try and maintain my running so I’ve decided to follow another training plan just for fun. I want to slowly increase my distance just to see if I can run further so I’ve decided to follow Hal Higdon’s Novice 2 Marathon training guide. I’m not sure how long I’ll actually follow the guide since I’m thinking about getting Insanity Max:30 which comes out in December, but we’ll see. Also, I’m thinking about signing up for a marathon, but I’m still not sure which one yet.

I started Hal Higdon’s plan on Monday and ran 3 miles.


Tuesday was a five miler.IMG_9508.JPG

Wednesday was another three miles.IMG_9536.JPG

Thursday was Rest day.

Friday I decided to do Focus T25 Ab Intervals. My little guy joined me and we had a great workout. He doesn’t always join me so this was a nice surprise. 🙂 He did pretty good!

On Saturday, I did Les Mills Pump and Burn.IMG_9685.JPG

Sunday was an eight mile run.IMG_9679.JPG

How’d your week go? What do you think? Do you think it’s a good idea to start a Marathon training plan? What’s your favorite training plan?


I’m linking up with this week’s Workout Wednesday (WOW) Link Up!

Brought to you by hostesses Diatta Harris | Femme Fitale Fit Club and Sheila Simmons | The Frugal Exerciser and co-hostesses: Amanda | Eat Hard Work Hard and Heather | Divas Run For Bling.

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Last Week’s Workouts Recap (10/13-10/19)

Last week’s workouts went well. Uberthons Halloweenathon 10k is coming soon, just five days away.

On Monday, I had a good three mile run and then did Focus T25’s Total Body Circuit for some strength training. Got a great sweat on! I love the fall colors from the leaves! Don’t you?


On Tuesday, I ran a nice six miles.IMG_9154.JPG

Wednesday’s workout was a 50 min tempo run. I’m glad I wore my running vest because it was windy and a little rainy out.IMG_9165.JPG

Thursday was a nice four mile run. It was a great day out for running!IMG_9195.JPG

Friday was Rest Day.

On Saturday, I did Focus T25’s Beta Rip’t Circuit. I love how T25 workouts are only 25 minutes long and still get such a great workout in a short amount of time. This particular workout incorporates weights which I like.IMG_9217.JPG

Sunday was an eight miler. I felt pretty good so I ran the last couple of miles fast.IMG_9240.JPG

Only five more days until my 10k race. It should be a fun one. When’s your next race or big event?

Hope you have a wonderful week! Be sure to enter my giveaway for a bag of Manitoba Harvest’s Hemp Hearts! They’re great in yogurt, salads, smoothies and more! HERE


I’m linking up with this week’s Workout Wednesday (WOW) Link Up!

Brought to you by hostesses Diatta Harris | Femme Fitale Fit Club and Sheila Simmons | The Frugal Exerciser and co-hostesses: Amanda | Eat Hard Work Hard and Heather | Divas Run For Bling.

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Recap of last week’s workouts (7/13-7/20)

This week’s half marathon training went well. According to the Asic’s app which is what I’m following for my schedule, it’s phase 2 which is the Getting Faster Phase. It consists of 5 weeks and 80 miles over 16 runs. Monday was a rest day. On Tuesday, it had me jogging three miles, but I decided to do Focus T25’s Ab Intervals too. I had a great workout! It’s still a tough one!

On Wednesday, I woke up around 5 am and ran five miles fast. The guideline pace was 8:35-8:59.


Thursday was a scheduled rest day, but I decided to do a PiYo workout. I did PiYo Core and it really worked my core. My kids had fun playing around me while I worked out too, lol.

On Friday, I woke up early again and ran five miles fast. It was a good run!


Saturday was a rest day and today I ran 7.5 miles comfortably. The guideline pace was 9:20-10:15.


I had a pretty good week. How did your week go?


Recap of this week’s workouts

After running the Seattle Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon last Saturday, I took some rest days and then ran 3 miles on Wednesday. My next race will be a virtual 10K for Moms Run this Town and my next half marathon will be in September.

20140629-221203-79923205.jpgOn Thursday, I decided to get a total body workout and did Focus T25’s Total Body Circuit. This one’s still a tough one! I had a great sweat session! Here I am with my kiddo.

20140629-221203-79923610.jpgOn Friday, I went to my coach’s Fit Club and it was awesome to try PiYo for the first time! We did the workout called Sweat and I was drenched in sweat by the end of it. I’m not sure if it was because there was no air conditioning or what, but I felt I had a great workout!

piyoSaturday was a rest day and today I ran 6 miles. That puts my monthly total to 87 miles which is a record for me! One of these days I will get 100 miles.

On today’s run, I wore the Injinji socks I won from a giveaway. I thought they felt good when I was running with them. On the packaging it says the anatomical 5 toe design properly aligns toes, prevents blisters and promotes proper posture & balance. They are lightweight as well. It’s pretty cool that I won them :). My toes felt a little different in them but it was good.



How’d last week go for you? Have you tried Injinji socks? What do you think?

Hope this week  goes well for you!

Re-cap of this week’s workouts

I’m training for another half marathon in June, the Seattle Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon. It’s cool because I’ll be getting another medal once I finish the Seattle Half, the Pacific Peaks Medal. It should be cool to add to my collection! 🙂 So I’m still not following a particular workout program except the running one, Hal Higdon’s intermediate half marathon schedule. I’m having fun incorporating different Beachbody programs along with running.

Well, after my long run last Sunday, I decided to workout with my husband and did P90X3’s Decelerator Workout. I was a little concerned with my knee after my run on Sunday, but it felt fine when I was working out. I think it was just the new band I got. My knee has felt fine ever since I’ve stopped using it. But Decelerator is a great total body workout. I didn’t do all of the pull-ups  and chin ups since we only have one pull-up bar but still got a great workout. There was some squats, push-ups, lunges and of course other moves.


On Tuesday, I ran five miles. I’m taking it easy on the runs now, unless it specifies in the schedule to run differently since I read about the Jack Daniels training paces. You can read my previous blog post about it here.


On Wednesday, the plan said to do 9 x 400 at 5k pace. I don’t have a track nearby so I did my laps at the nearby soccer fields. I felt like I got a good workout. I did a lap and then walked a little in between laps.


On Thursday, Hal Higdon’s schedule was to do 3 miles plus strength. I did Focus T25’s Beta Rip’t Circuit and was planning to do 3 miles but didn’t get to it since my husband came home late. It’s hard to run during the day since there’s no one to watch the kids. But Beta Rip’t Circuit is a good strength workout, since weights are used.


Today, I decided to do Focus T25’s Dynamic Core workout. It’s a great workout and still tough for me at parts. My core still needs work.


Then this evening I made up the run I missed yesterday.


Tomorrow is a rest day and Sunday is supposed to be a race day, so I’ll be attempting race pace on Sunday.

Did you get your workouts in this week?


Today’s workout – Focus T25 Alpha Cardio Speed 1.0

It’s recovery week after the half marathon. I forgot to bring the Results and Recovery Formula from Beachbody that surely would’ve helped after the race. My calves were really sore afterwards. I didn’t do anything workout wise until yesterday. I did P90X3’s Dynamix, which focuses on dynamic stretching. There’s some core work and it’s designed to increase range of motion, flexibility, and stabilization to help maximize the results you get from every move. So it was a nice workout for me yesterday!

Today, I decided to do Focus T25’s Alpha Speed 1.0. It’s been a while since I’ve done this one. I think the last time I did it was when it was part of the schedule when I had started the full T25 program last September. I like how there are stretch moves in between moves at some parts. It’s a good workout and still gave me a great sweat!

Below is a video with some of the moves:


Did you workout today? What’s your plan?


Today’s workout – Focus T25 Speed 3.0

I decided to do Focus T25’s Gamma Speed 3.0 workout. I felt like getting a major sweat on and this workout never disappoints! After this workout, I was dripping sweat on the floor lol. It’s a fast paced workout with lots of burpee moves.

If you like burpees, this is a good one for you! This workout has burpee + plank walks, burpee + spider lunges, burpee + push-up jacks, burpee + ski abs, burpee + pike-ups, and burpee + front kicks. Those are just the burpee moves. This is an awesome cardio workout! Just like all the T25 workouts, it’s only 25 minutes!

Who else is exercising today, or did already?

Like, comment, and share. 🙂