Last 2 Weeks of Workouts and Weekly Wrap (5/21-6/3)

Two weeks have gone by since my last post. I’ve been enjoying some down time before my next cycle of marathon training starts, which is this week. I’m excited to see what this next cycle will bring. I’ll be running the Tunnel Light Marathon in September. IMG_4220May ended with 91 miles and I’m happy with it. It’s a good amount of miles for taking a break. But here’s what my workouts looked like for the last two weeks:

5/21-5/27:IMG_4058Monday – Started the week with an easy 3.15 miles after P90X3 the Warrior. Felt great afterwards.
Tuesday – Rest day.IMG_4074Wednesday – Ran 4.4 morning miles with some strides.IMG_4095 2Thursday – Ran a nice 4.4 miles with some strides with a co-worker. It was great to run with Ha and at a different park.
Friday – Rest day.IMG_4136Saturday – Ran a good 9 miles. Found out there’s a local running club, Sunstone Running Club, that I happened to join on the Rock Creek trail. Always great to see other runners. I did pick up the pace at around 8.5 miles and felt pretty good.
Sunday – Rest day.

Total miles = 20.95 miles. Since I haven’t been running as much, I feel like my fitness has come down. Maybe it’s because I’m not eating good either. But it’s good to take a break right? It was nice having 3 rest days that week.

5/28-6/3:IMG_4160Monday – Ran 3.27 morning miles after getting sweaty from T25 Extreme Circuit.
Tuesday – Rest day.IMG_4176Wednesday – Ran 4.5 miles with some strides with my co-worker, Ha.IMG_4197Thursday – Decided to do some trail running and went to Forest Park. Ha wanted to come along and it was nice to have company. We ran on the Wildwood trail.IMG_4216Friday – Ran an easy 4.15 miles. IMG_4240Saturday – Ran 9 miles with some on the Rock Creek Trail again. There are such beautiful parts along the trail. This was another run with my co-worker. Always nice to run with a friend even if it’s just some if it. I picked it up on the last 0.5 mile.
Sunday – Rest day.

Total miles = 25.09 miles. I’d say it was another good week. I’m ready to get marathon training started. Hopefully all goes well for marathon #6.

As for other highlights of the week:IMG_1073We went to the local science museum, called OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry). We had gone to our local library and they gave out coupons to OMSI when they signed up for the Summer Reading program. It’s been a while since we’ve been there so we decided to go. The kiddos had lots of fun.

That pretty much wraps up the last two weeks. How’d your week go? Any races coming up?

I’m linking up with HoHo Runs and Wendy of Taking the Long Way Home  for the Weekly Wrap.

6 thoughts on “Last 2 Weeks of Workouts and Weekly Wrap (5/21-6/3)

  1. I wouldn’t feel bad about the rest days or the not-so-great eating. We all deserve a break and some treats! And, you’ve been working very hard lately! I’m always jealous of the pretty trails you get to run. Thanks for linking!


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