Tunnel Light Marathon Training – Week 1 and Weekly Wrap (6/4-6/10)

Training for my sixth marathon has begun. Last week was my first week of training for the Tunnel Light Marathon in September. I’m excited for this one since my sister and some friends will be running this marathon too. Here’s what my first week of training looked like from Coach Dawn’s plan:IMG_4321Monday – Plan: Easy 4. Strength Training: Core X Jay Johnson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhjtGRZX8j0
Actual: Woke up late and had to rush to get ready but got in the easy 4 miles and did the core video before work. The video’s a good one. Only 5 min but it’s tough.IMG_4337Tuesday- Plan: 15 minutes easy
8 x 30 seconds fast/2:30 moderate (float)
10-15 minutes easy

Actual: Ran it as planned and felt pretty good.

Wednesday – Plan: Rest Day
Actual: Rest DayIMG_4350Thursday – Plan: 5 miles-
3 miles 8:55-9
2 miles 8:45-50 

Tunnel Marathon Specific Strength Circuit- Focus is on building strength and preparing the legs for the downhill stress.
1. Pushups – (to fatigue)
2. 10-15 x squats
3. Planks- standard and side (30 seconds- 1min)
4. Lunges – 12

Repeat x 2 no rest
Actual: Went a bit fast on the 5 miles. My pacing was all over the place. I’d find myself going to fast and then slow down and then fast again.. Felt fine though. Also, did the strength circuit.IMG_4372Friday – Plan: Easy 4
Actual: Ran an easy 4.1 miles.IMG_4401Saturday – Plan: 9.5 miles- pace 8:55-9:05
push the last 0.5 to a hard effort 
Actual: Ran a good 10 miler. My pacing was pretty good and last 0.5 mile avg. pace was 7:25.

Sunday –  Plan: Rest day.
Actual: Rest day.

Total miles = 28.86 miles. I’d say my first week of marathon training went good. Hoping all goes well since I’d love to get a PR and BQ again. The marathon is Sept 16 so it might count for Boston 2020. It would be cool to have the option to go.

As for highlights of the rest of the week:IMG_6289We didn’t do much. We did go to the mall and saw Mavis and Drac promoting Hotel Transylvania 3. It will be interesting to see what they do with that one. But Incredibles 2 is coming out soon. Might have to go see that one.

That pretty much wraps up my week. How’d your week go? Any races coming up?

I’m linking up with HoHo Runs and Wendy of Taking the Long Way Home  for the Weekly Wrap.

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