Tunnel Light Marathon Training – Week 2 and Weekly Wrap (6/11-6/17)

Week 2 of marathon training is in the books. Here’s what last week looked like from Coach Dawn’s plan:


Monday – Plan: 3.5-4 miles easy
5 x 8-10 seconds hill sprints at 9-10% w/2 minute recovery in between each.
1 mile easy

Actual: My watch had me going faster but TM had me at 6.05 miles, avg pace 9:14. Felt ok overall but the last hill sprints were tough.IMG_4441Tuesday- Plan: Easy 20 minutes
6 x 45 seconds hard/2:15 moderate
Easy 15 minutes

Actual: Ran it as planned and it was hard towards the end but felt fine overall.IMG_4460Wednesday – Plan: 4 mile recovery run.
Actual: Ran 4 recovery miles.IMG_4473Thursday – Plan: 4 miles easy
2 miles moderate

Do 4 x strides after 3 miles. You can stop and do a light stretch prior.

1. Pushups – (to fatigue)
2. 10-15 x squats
3. Planks- standard and side (30 seconds- 1min)
4. Lunges – 12

Repeat x 2 no rest + 5 minutes core.
Actual: Had a good progression run. I accidentally did 5 strides since I can’t keep track 😆. I also did the strength circuit and core work.IMG_4519Friday – Plan: Easy 4.
Actual: Ran easy 4 miles.IMG_4563Saturday – Plan: Easy 10-11. Core video or at least 5 min of core.
Actual: Ended up running 10.3 easy miles and did about 5 min of core work.

Sunday –  Plan: Rest day.
Actual: Rest day.

Total miles = 36.9 miles. I’d say week 2 of marathon training went well. I ran a good amount of miles and got my workouts done.

As for highlights of the rest of the week:IMG_4491IMG_4494The last day of school for the kiddos was Friday. They’ve grown so much. I can’t believe I’ll have a fifth grader and second grader next year.IMG_6119To celebrate, we watched Incredibles 2. It was a fun movie. My favorite character is Jack Jack 🙂 .

I had to work today but we did celebrate Father’s day and went out for breakfast. Hope everyone had a wonderful Father’s day!

That pretty much wraps up my week. How’d your week go? Any races coming up?

I’m linking up with HoHo Runs and Wendy of Taking the Long Way Home  for the Weekly Wrap.

12 thoughts on “Tunnel Light Marathon Training – Week 2 and Weekly Wrap (6/11-6/17)

  1. It’s so bittersweet watching the boys grow up, isn’t it? I can’t quite believe we are done with all that. Sigh.

    I’d agree with you that your marathon training is going well!


  2. Nice job and very impressive mileage for marathon training week 2. Your kids have grown so much! The Incredibles 2 movie was a perfect way to celebrate. I can’t believe how long it took them to many another movie. Thanks for linking!


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