Vernonia Marathon Training Week 17 and Weekly Wrap (3/13-3/19)

After the half marathon last week, it was still a big training week. It didn’t help that we lost an hour of sleep due to daylight savings but I still got my workouts in. The Vernonia Marathon is now 21 days away. Here’s what I did from Coach Dawn’s plan:

Monday – Plan: 4-6 at recovery pace.
Actual: It was hard getting up since I lost the hour of sleep, but got my early miles in before work. Ran 5.17 miles, avg. pace 10:12. 001Tuesday – Plan: Easy 5-6.
Actual: Ran 5.61 easy miles, avg. pace 9:28.001 (1)Wednesday – Plan: 15 min warm up, 10-20 min cool down (as much as you have time for)
4 x 0.5 mile at 7-7:15 with 0.25 mile recovery.
Actual: This was super hard! Got it done in the rain too. I like to program my workouts on my Garmin and I messed up on the first interval since I slowed down too soon since I thought I heard the beep on my watch. I really pushed it on this workout to get the paces though. My splits were 7:21, 7:02, 7:13, and 7:11. Ended up with 6.01 miles, avg. pace 9:08.IMG_2611Thursday – Plan: 6-8 at recovery pace.
4 x drills after + core.
Listen to your body here (especially with the half last week) this is a big week, quality more important than quantity. You can even cut this down to 4 or 5 if you are feeling fatigued.

Actual: Felt fine and had a nice 6.10 mile recovery run, avg. pace 10:08. It was great to see the sun out. I did the drills and some core work afterwards.001 (2)Friday – Plan: Marathon Pace Run – 1 mile easy
4 miles at 8:30-8:40
1 mile easy.
Actual: Even though it was my day off from work, I had to get it done early due to an early appointment regarding house issues. Felt pretty good and hit the paces. Fast splits were: 8:30, 8:29, 8:29, 8:28.001Saturday – Plan: 10 miles easy
then- 3 x 2 miles at around 8:25-40/ 1 mile at around 9-9:10 (so you will alternate 2 miles/1 mile and do that cycle 3 times for total of 9 miles)
1-2 miles easy.
Actual: The run started off with rain and by the end it was no longer raining, which was nice. It was raining for a good portion though. It was a tough one with the intervals but that made it fun. By the end, my legs were tired and it was a struggle to finish the last bit. Interval splits were: 8:32,8:28,9:02, 8:28,8:25,9:08, 8:24,8:25,9:05. Ended up running 20.21 miles, avg. pace 9:07.001 (3)Sunday – Plan: Rest day.
Actual: Rest day.

Total miles = 49.1 miles. This was my peak week. I think it went well especially after the awesome half marathon last week. I still have to get that recap up. I’ll try to get it up this week especially since I have my next race this coming Sunday, the 26th! I’ll be running the Rock’n’Roll San Francisco Half Marathon as a training run with my twin sister. It should be fun! 🙂

As for the rest of the week, I had to deal with unforeseeable house issues and had to get a plumber. Happy to get it resolved quick. We did do family movie night on Friday and Saturday again. We watched Moana on Friday night. IMG_2671I thought it was pretty good and liked the music. On Saturday, we watched Home Alone. It’s been a while since I’ve seen this old movie. Group selfie before watching Home Alone:IMG_2689

How’d your week go? Any races coming up?

I’m linking up with HoHo Runs and MissSippiPiddlin for the Weekly Wrap.WeeklyWrap

I’m also linking up with Courtney, Eat Pray Run DC‘s training recap linkup.

16 thoughts on “Vernonia Marathon Training Week 17 and Weekly Wrap (3/13-3/19)

  1. Another great training week Sherry! You are so good at nailing your paces. Ugh plumbing issues suck. The last one we had here was on Thanksgiving Day. Trying finding a plumber.


  2. Phew, what a great week! Running in the rain is tough, especially doing speed work – great job! Looking forward to your race recap!


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