Portland Marathon Training Week 15 – Workouts Recap (9/21-9/27)

One more week until my first marathon!! I can’t believe the final week is here!  I remember cringing at the thought of running a marathon long ago, but even though I’m nervous I’m excited to run the Portland Marathon! Last week went well. I followed my modified Hal Higdon plan. Here’s what I did:

Monday – Cross training day. I did Focus T25 Rip’t Circuit. I like how this one uses weights.

Tuesday – Had a nice early morning 4 miler. It was cold out, 45F.

Wednesday – Good morning 5 miles. It was even colder at 41F.

Thursday – I did Focus T25 Core Cardio. Love my little photobomber! 🙂

Friday – 3 miles on a rainy day. Temps back in the 50s.

Saturday – Last long run before the marathon. I ran a virtual for my IRUN4 buddy which supports the DSDN (Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network).

Sunday – Rest Day.

So last week went fine. Taper week is a bit nerve racking. I hope my legs are recovered enough to rock my marathon! 🙂 I’m worried about pacing. I’m not sure how fast I should start. I really want to reach my goal of sub 4 and I know pacing is key. I don’t want to start too fast. I guess I have a week to figure it out.

Do you have any tips you’d like to share for a first time marathoner?

Also, check out my post on the #BosuStrong #SweatPink Challenge where you can win a BOSU! HERE

I’m linking up with HoHo Runs and MissSippiPiddlin for the Weekly Wrap.WeeklyWrap

21 thoughts on “Portland Marathon Training Week 15 – Workouts Recap (9/21-9/27)

  1. Good luck on your first marathon! Your training seems to have you where you need to be, don’t worry too much about the last week. Your main job is to stay loose and comfortable and not get injured.

    Have fun and enjoy the experience and sights and everything – I’ll acknowledge cheering bystanders, and I always am ready for any kids wanting a high five from a runner –
    …but I encourage you to be ready for the mental challenge. This means planning well and following your plan. Everyone says they won’t go out too fast – at my age I don’t pass too many people late in marathons, but these are the people I pass. If you have to walk some, walk, and then run again, I’ve done it, but be warned, your legs will start to stiffen, so after a while it’s hard to starting running.

    Drink! Despite drinking at every stop and getting extra Gatorade from my sister I cramped up pretty badly twice in one marathon, but was able to walk and recover.

    Be prepared to see healthy-looking people falling by the wayside, be prepared for “why I am doing this, this is stupid, why would anyone do this?” to go through your head. (I hope it’s not just me that has that). Fight this, visualize the finish, ** trust your training, trust your plan, trust your legs**. The crowd and all of your fellow runners are with you, and this time next week you will be a member of a club called marathon runners.


  2. Wow, the home stretch, how exciting ! Enjoy the last few days and comments from Country Hick guy sound reasonable. I have not yet done a marathon so I can not offer any thoughts !


  3. Awww, best wishes to you for your first marathon!
    What a great pace for your 8 miler, love the bling.
    I think your legs will be just fine 🙂
    I can to wait to feel 40’s and 50’s again!


  4. Great job on your 8 miler and virtual race. My younger brother had Down Syndrome. He passed away from two types of cancer when he was only 13 years old. That’s a wonderful cause to support. I’m sure your IRun4 buddy will be proud. I’ve only ran one full so far and I’m training for my second. I’m no expert but I’ll share what helped me. Try to relax this final week leading up to your race. It’s hard not to obsess over every detail, the weather, race day nutrition, your training (did you do too much or too little), etc. Trust your training! Let it be your guide on race day. Don’t try anything new. Eat like you practiced, pace like you practiced, and you will be fine! Embrace the finish line, and don’t be embarrassed if you shed a few tears. Good luck! I can’t wait to read all about it in your weekly recap!


  5. Since I’m training for my first too, I can’t offer any advice. I will be very interested to hear what you thought about your race, pacing, fueling, etc. I’ll need your advice! It seems like you’ve had a strong training cycle and are ready to go! Good luck and most of all enjoy the experience. I appreciate your continued support of the Weekly Wrap!


  6. I’m so interested in all the tips and advice your getting for my first too! You have been doing so well in your training each week! I would also say to be sure to focus on the the experience, you didn’t train all this time to wish it away quickly! You’ll do great and can’t wait to read the recap!


  7. Wow, I can’t believe your marathon is almost here! I have no advice as I’ve never run a marathon, but you’ve done so well this training cycle I can only imagine you’ll be great!


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