Review of Skulpt Aim – Measures Body Fat and Muscle Quality

Have you wondered about your body fat percentage or about the quality of your muscles? The Skulpt Aim is a neat tool that will measure your body fat and muscle quality. Note: I was given this product to review. All opinions expressed are my own.

When I first took it out, I was surprised on how compact it was, it fit nicely in my palm. It measures 2.5″ wide and 4.25″ long. It’s relatively heavy and feels durable. It came with a pouch, water sprayer, and charging cradle (not pictured). In the pic below you can see the back view. There are 12 sensors that it uses to measure body fat percentage and muscle quality.I was excited to get this to try out. I had no clue on what my body fat percentage would be or what my muscle quality was like. I did not even know what muscle quality was but learned that muscle quality or MQ is the measure of your muscle’s strength and definition. 100 is average and the higher the measurement means better fitness.

First off, in order to use the Skulpt Aim you need to download the Skulpt app from the Apple or Android and have a compatible device to sync with your Aim. This includes iPhone 5 or later running IOS 8+, and Android devices must have Jellybean 4.3 (or later) version of operating system. It was pretty simple to pair the Skulpt Aim to my phone.

Now on to the fun part, seeing what my body fat and muscle quality looked like. It took a little time getting used to on what buttons to press. The left button is the select button and the right hand buttons move the selected item up or down. To measure was really simple. Spray all the sensors with water and then place the device on the muscle you’re measuring. It tells you to relax and not flex. Once you see the light on the device change color, for me it was blue, the measurement was taken. Then it tells you the next muscle on the screen and to moisten the sensors again with water and make sure all sensors are wet. The pic below shows me measuring my left forearm.

It took the measurements really quick. There was a few times it told me to try again and be sure to wet all the sensors, make sure all sensors contact, not flex, and press firmly. I just tried again and it took. In the app, there are how to videos, which is nice, so you know where to place the device for each muscle. I think this is a cool device and love how it measures individual muscles. It measures abs, biceps, calves, chest, forearms, glutes, hamstrings, lower back, quads, shoulders, triceps, and upper back. I like how it gives you the option to measure a single muscle, total body, or all muscles. The first time I used it was on March 18th. I just did the Total Body measurement based on four muscles on my left side – biceps, triceps, abs and quads. This was the result:


It was nice to know that my MQ was in the fit portion and my body fat percentage was on the athletic side.

I decided to do measure all muscles on March 31 and here’s the results:


Overall, my MQ went down one point but body fat percentage was less. It was great to see my body fat percentage lower. It will be interesting to see how it changes over time as I start running more miles and train for my first marathon. Another great thing about this device is that multiple users can use it. My husband likes using it too. It’s great to know where my body fat percentage is at and my muscle quality. It’ll give me an idea of what I should work on especially if muscle quality really starts dropping. Want more info on this nifty device? Check out the Skulpt Aim at

Have you used a body fat or muscle quality analyzer before?

I’m linking up with this week’s Workout Wednesday (WOW) Link Up!

Brought to you by hostesses Diatta Harris | Femme Fitale Fit Club and Sheila Simmons | The Frugal Exerciser.

Femme Fitale Fit Club

15 thoughts on “Review of Skulpt Aim – Measures Body Fat and Muscle Quality

  1. I got to review the Skulpt too! I am experimenting with it a bit to see how it compares to skinfold calipers for body fat measurement. I love that it’s easy to take BF% on myself, and the muscle quality is an awesome feature #wowlinkup


  2. I have been fiddling with mine and plan to retake my measurements. The first time I tried it kept saying it could not read it but we finally got the hang of it. I wonder how this is going to measure with me doing it myself – my husband helped the first time. Also it gave me readings on the left when I only measured the right – I am sure I did something wrong. Great review. #wowlinkup


  3. I got to review the Skulp too and I like it! I like how it gives you the measurements quickly! I too am looking forward to track my measurements to see the areas that need work or where I am improving.


  4. Hey. Great review. I’ve been using an AIM for ~6 months now with pleasing results. I actually compared my recent reading with a DEXA scan to test it’s accuracy.

    You can see the results here

    I’m a PT/bodybuilder/gym addict, so I’ve put it to good use!

    I really like it. Its great for tracking my own and my clients progress without booking for a dexa scan. Plus not everyone likes having their body pinched with calipers. I compared it to a dexa and its pretty accurate. The muscle quality feature is also pretty cool.

    Liked by 1 person

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