Tag: Halloween

Five things I love about Halloween Time

Happy Halloween! It’s fitting that this week’s Friday Five theme is Halloween.

Here are five things I love about Halloween time which include activities that lead up to Halloween.

1. Going to a Pumpkin Patch. It’s always fun going to the Pumpkin Patch to pick out pumpkins. We went this year to Lake View Farms in North Plains, OR. This is a nice one because you go on a boat ride to the pumpkins and ride a train back. It’s great for the kids. They even had a little hay maze.



2. Decorating pumpkins. My kids enjoyed using the push in decorations to decorate their pumpkins. It’s nice since there’s no carving and no mess. 🙂

IMG_9459.JPG3. Learning new things when helping out at the kiddo’s Halloween party. They did some neat things at my son’s preschool. They made their own pumpkins using toilet paper covered in orange tissue paper. Then they added the stem (brown roll from toilet paper), followed by decorating with face stickers.IMG_9572.JPGAlso, their snack was a great idea. It was a carved out orange filled with fruit. The kids helped carve a little or just told how they wanted their orange pumpkin to look like. How cute is that?











4. Seeing the kids in costume. It’s so cute when they’re all dressed up in costume. It’s great seeing all the different costumes other kids are wearing too. There are always some really creative and great homemade ones. Last year I remember seeing a cool Minecraft costume that was homemade. The pic below is from last Halloween. It’s funny because I asked what my kids wanted to be for Halloween this year and they wanted to be the same thing as last year. What are the odds of that happening? Lol. It’s great that their costumes still fit. 🙂


5. Taking the kids trick or treating. The last thing, is it’s fun taking the kids trick or treating. It’s a nice time to see the neighbors as well as get free candy lol. Who doesn’t like free candy? I think it’s fine to eat in moderation.

What do you love about Halloween time?

I am linking up with Eat Pray Run DCYou Signed Up for What?! and Mar on the Run for the Friday Five Linkup. Every Friday they have a linkup for bloggers to Link up a post about 5 things or write on their theme. Check them out!